devilishdoctor  】
          	❍   ROLEPLAYERS UNITE CHAT  !  ❍
          	  here's a chat for all you guys out here feeling annoyed with the slowness of wattpad or tired of waiting around for messages to come in  !  this group allows for everyone to express themselves in the most creative ways without being limited by the sensitivity of others  !  we have multiple roleplays open and the community is plenty accepting  !  feel free to join this wonderful family  !  we're waiting on you  !

devilishdoctor  】
          ❍   ROLEPLAYERS UNITE CHAT  !  ❍
            here's a chat for all you guys out here feeling annoyed with the slowness of wattpad or tired of waiting around for messages to come in  !  this group allows for everyone to express themselves in the most creative ways without being limited by the sensitivity of others  !  we have multiple roleplays open and the community is plenty accepting  !  feel free to join this wonderful family  !  we're waiting on you  !


for the last two months , agent had vanished . he'd been completely off the radar , disappearing after simply leaving the house to get groceries . no one had a reasonable explanation for what had happened to him . it was never like him to just leave without contacting someone or telling another where he was going , which was what he had done with jacob . something was clearly wrong .
          walking down the street , was a somewhat tall male with blonde hair , which was much more pale than agent's originally was . he wore a black hoodie with the hood up to hide his robotic features, despite it being it summer and extremely hot . he also wore black skinny jeans , much more muscular than before . stuffing his hands in his pockets , he looked around through the lenses of his black sunglasses . he seemed confused , lost even .


@telepathictarots )
            agent pulled jacob close , eyes watering as he shut them tightly . he clearly did not want to cry . " i - it was my fault . . . "


** ;; @badassisms 
            “ n-no no ! don’t be sorry , it’s not your fault . its that damn penis head’s fault . ” he huffed , giving him a slightly squeeze . 


@telepathictarots )
            the blonde merely whined , unable to feel the warmth from his fiance he once cherished . " i - i'm sorry . . . "


babe . . . can we talk . . . ?


* / ; - @weatherisms 
            * a soft laugh escaped the man’s grinning lips . he shook his head, as if confused by agent’s question . * of course not ! if i was mad , i wouldn’t have been okay with you ‘ adopting ’ all those kids , teddy . * he joked , pressing a kiss to the shorter one’s forehead . *


@weatherisms )
            * agent blinked , unsure what to say before he was picked up and spun around . confused , he reached up and wiped his own tears as he stared at jacob in shock * y - you aren't mad . . . ?


* / ; - @weatherisms 
            * jacob was shocked , eyes wide . instead of asking how , he took a few seconds to use his quirk && let out a soft ‘ ooh ’ before grinning . he, somehow, picked up the shorter male in his arms && spun him around once , * oh my god — teddy — that’s great ! 


" i love you . "
          agent muttered as he cupped jacob's cheeks , a calm and reassuring smile on his face as he looked in his husband's eyes . he ignored the screams of fear and panic and leaned in , gently kissing the taller male as he closed his eyes briefly . all for one had ambushed the school , and they were the very few remaining inside . 


* / ; - @weatherisms 
            “ agent ! ” he screamed out hoarsely , tears running their waterfall even faster than they did before . the restraints around him tightened with the help of a few more students , kana being one of them . he mourned & bit his lip before mouthing a clear ‘ i love you - ’ desperately at his husband . 


@devilishdoctor )
            the school began to crumble from the inside , pieces of the roof and walls beginning to fall . agent walked further inside , looking over his shoulder and looking at the group with a soft , reassuring and calm smile on his face . for once , he looked at relative ease . as if he had accepted his fate .


* / ; — @weatherisms 
            jacob scrambled to his feet , about to go back over to him before getting restrained by aizawa’s strangely - materialed scarf . he watched as his husband went farther into the building , tears streaming down his cheeks . he struggled && struggled , never ceasing for a second .


hey . . .


* / ; - @weatherisms 
            * jacob blinked from being startled at first , carefully wrapping his arms around the shorter figure . * how’d . . how’d it go ?


@devilishdoctor )
            * agent shrugged a bit , turning so his back was facing his fiance . he leaned against the taller male , closing his eyes * i went to therapy .


* / ; — @weatherisms 
            i’ve been ,, uh - fine . you . . ?


babe , gimme a kiss .


* / ; - @weatherisms 
            oh teddy . * he muttered ,
            pressing his lips to the 
            shorter’s forehead . * i 
            could never . 


@devilishdoctor )
            * agent traced jacob's chest , 
            eyes shimmering with content 
            as he nodded with a small smile *
            i hoped you weren't getting tired 
            of me yet .


* / ; — @weatherisms 
            * the usually stotic 
            man’s lips curved into
            a happy smile before he
            pulled away , eyes shining . *
            i fall in love with you more
            every day , yknow that ? 