


"What are you doing on Earth, Lucifer?" Lucas asked from directly behind him. "Aren't you trapped down in Hell?"


            Lucifer tensed up slightly though gave a bit of a dry chuckle, heaving a sigh shortly afterwards, almost as if he were concealing how he was truly feeling. “See, now, threatening me is an awful idea. I just can’t be sure that you won’t end their lives either way. You’ve always been one nasty son of a bitch whose strong suit is vengeance.” His eyes narrowed ever so slightly while his sarcastic smile faded, trying his hardest to keep his composure while venom ran through his veins. “So tell me: Why should I believe that you won’t?”


            "Oops~" Lucas hummed with a laugh and a shrug, looking at the Devil with malice in his eyes. "I've come to make you a deal, but, here's the kicker: I keep my soul and give you nothing in return.. Except for sparing the life of Amenadiel and Chloe, whom I could end in an instant."


this message may be offensive
            Lucifer briefly turned on his heels to look at his piano, then back towards Lucas. “You call me an asshole yet you’ve just blown up my piano. How bold.” He downed the last of the alcohol in his glass before setting it down on the bar counter, pushing himself off of the bar and into more of a standing position. “Right, okay, let’s cut to the chase. Why are you here? Surely you haven’t just come to blow up my piano and call me a fairy, so why have you come?”


"Is there any limit as to what favors you'll do?"


Peter shrugged, "not at the moment. I was just curious."


            “Mm.... Not really, no. Perhaps murder, but it depends if it’s justifiable or not because I work with the police. Why, do you need something?”


[ :: ] I missed you—


            (I’m glad, too! I’ve mostly been over on @ofdenbroughs so I apologize ;-; 
            I’ve been okay, could be better honestly, but I’m coping <3)


@devilisms  [ :: ] :,) I’m so glad I found you again UGH I’ve been good , how about you love?? 


            (Omfg, I’ve missed you too :o I didn’t know where you had gone, and my muse for Luci had run dry! How’ve you been?)


//love your account by the way and I love the show haha hope you don't mind if I drop a starter 
          Thomas was sitting on a park bench humming lightly until he saw Lucifer and he stopped humming as he looked at him curiously 
          "Hello there Sir." he said with a polite smile