
[ :: ] cb for a one liner 


this message may be offensive
" you ' re fucking stupid ,
          too stupid for me to leave
          you on your own "


a comeback was pushed
            away with the kiss and he
            returned it , sliding
            a hand agaisnt the others
            jaw .
            " cheeky nerd "


@-DYNAMIOS                 Right now I’d say.. your covering those pretty lips . * with a soft grin the villain gently moved the others hand, instead placing it on his cheek as he slotted their lips together slowly * 


" oh - i - "
            he glared as he blushed
            before covering his mouth
            and looking to the side .
            " what ' s stopping
            you then , nerd "


//hi :'0


//how are you??


@coIdvoid                    * there wasn’t a response , just the slow beeping of the machines as they kept him alive . He looked so small in that bed , laid out flat with pillows propping his head up , tubes and sensors covering nearly every inch of exposed skin . He looked so fragile, hands limp at his sides despite his lean muscular build, black nail polish chipping on his nails that no one had bothered to take off, freckled cheeks paler than they usually were but something felt different this time , for whatever reason as the door opened to his room, his nurse, now identified as yumi carrying in his son before smiling kindly at todoroki , feeding the baby as she rocked him gently * it’s so good of you to visit , I know he appreciates it . 


@coIdvoid                    Ah , he was in a fight with pro hero all might and.. killed him . And bakugou Katsuki was injured but we can’t tell who injured him . * the nurse frowned stepping close to the bed, frowning softly as she picked the bundle up producing a bottle from her pocket and feeding the baby in her arms gently rocking side to side * well, crappy or not I’m glad your here . 


@coIdvoid              He can’t hear you , although it looks like he can. He’s in a coma, son . * the nurse mumbled quietly , glancing at the heart monitor hooked up the male before scribbling on his chart frowning at the bundle cuddled up next to him although both of his hands were handcuffed to the bed sides * your one of his friends? Your the first to visit . 


@magmacarta                  Exactly that miss. Izuku midoriya is in a coma . * the young government agent spoke while he held a bundle in his arms, unsuccessfully trying to stop the child’s strong wails or little explosions as his quirk acted up * I’m sorry but you can not see him. He’s a criminal under government custody . 


a man just ran down this way.  do you know which way he went?


right,  thank you.  hopefully i'm not too late...  *  the colonel muttered to himself,  a determined look in his dark eyes as he started walking towards the back alley just pointed out to him.  he even placed a hand on his gun.  *


@fireusage                  I think he went down the back alley to the left , love .