
POV: she brought your biggest insecurity up


I'm thinking of deleting my account on here and tumblr


Please don’t do that. Don’t let the fake people and the assh0les on the internet get to you. Keep being yourself. Keep doing what makes you happy. Keep writing. Keep posting here. There are people out there who care about you. Ignore the other people. It’s difficult, but ignore the people who aren’t worth being in your life. Life has good and bad people, and don’t let the bad people ruin it for you.


what do i do if basically my whole friend group has been discluding me from groupchats like kicking me out then lying saying they left then knowing they lied bc they dont want me there it just makes me rlly sad that they dont like me as a friend idk what to do


@kenleylovesnhl ik i should but idk theyre my best friends


drop them. it may seem hard but trust me. if they are treating you like that then they don’t deserve you. i dropped my old friend group and i found a new one and i’ve never been happier then i’ve been now. all they are going to do is drag you down.