"it was books that made me feel that perhaps i was not completely alone."

Hi! My name is anto i'm 21 and i love writing and reading love stories with all my heart, welcome to my profile!

if you're here, you might give one of my stories a chance (or maybe you already did), either way, thank you so much!! it means a lot to me, and i hope you enjoy reading them as much as i enjoy writing them!

as a little disclaimer, i want to say that english is my second language, so if there are any mistakes in my stories, please let me know!! i will forever want to get better at writing and this really helps, thanks!!

acc in spanish: downinflamess

spotify: https://open.spotify.com/user/vm34xytwahjwvmwttyqpriaaq?si=TPtWiM0rTlyfh4CJeMg-sQ
  • EntrouJune 15, 2020


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