those... village children visited the shrine today. they left me peaches.
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those... village children visited the shrine today. they left me peaches.
my husband is so very kind to me, but you've done more than enough chores! let me take over, san lang.
@dianxins hm ? like this. [ carefully taking his dianxia’s hands, the ghost king draws them around himself, keeping the two close. ] gege doesn’t mind this, does he ?
you've been working all day, san lang. surely you'd like a break? .. oh but if he insists on continuing, how would san lang have me help, hm?
san lang, i told you.. i just have to attend this meeting and then you'll have my full attention!
he rubs a hand over his eyes as the two of them walk through the streets of ghost city. he walks a little behind hua cheng's left, looking around. mohan isn't used to being dead, not yet at least. "... shizun, " mohan says as he glances over at the elder.
the shorter frowns at that. every step he makes feels weird when he knows he is dead. he brings a hand up to run through his hair, and stays close to his shizun. " its.. different. no one i knew is here... " he swallowed, an overwhelming tightness in his chest.
@fifthkings “ it’s new, but you will get used to it, should you decide to stay. ” feeling the unsureness, the ghost king doesn’t turn, but he does reply to the address. mohan is still a young ghost, not yet accustomed to the ways of ‘life’ in the realm.
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don't these look like the flowers you used to offer me? oh, san lang.. we can plant them around the shrine!
@dianxins of course, dianxia wouldn’t lie to me, even back then. the flowers will decorate the shrine wherever you wish.
* omg............ Hi............
oh, he looks just like his baba.. san lang, he's your spitting image!
i'd be happy if our kids looked like me, because that would mean they would resemble my mother.. but this /is/ what i wanted. i told you before i wanted a mini san lang.
@dianxins no. he should resemble dianxia, not me. my sincerest apologies, i truly am sorry. this isn’t what you wanted, it isn’t.
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he coughs, turning in someone's arms. he remembers being in the burial mounds- the resentful energy, his food intake limited so he'd gotten thinner. he had dragged himself out of there, so who .. his immediate thought is the wens that threw him in, and he fights weakly against the arms that carry him. too weak to verbalize at first, his fist weakly hits the chest of someone he thinks is wen. " let go of me, wen dog.. " he finally speaks, coughing and loudly at that. * ^ doesnt realize its hua cheng at first..
@laoqings “ you need to heal first, forget about them for now. ” sitting on the side of the bed, long, bleak fingers run through tangled locks, untangling them gently. to be found in the burial mounds.. he can only imagine what happened.
he shivers over a coldness that doesnt come from anywhere in particular. he refuses to let go of his a-die, tears brimming his eyes. " no.. i need to.. " he whispered quietly. " the sunshot campaign.. my friends need me. "
@laoqings before wei wuxian knows it, they’re back at puqi shrine. xie lian has been out the entire day, busy with his own things, so hua cheng takes care of him. setting the thinner body down on the bed, his main focus is healing his body, making sure the open wounds close over completely. “ a-ying.. rest. a-niang will be back soon. ”
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