.. san lang doesn't understand! i-i misspoke! i called you san lang!
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.. san lang doesn't understand! i-i misspoke! i called you san lang!
ㅤㅤㅤ... oh! i didn't — i didn't mean to call you — by that name.. / corpse bride au where xia lian accidentally calls hua cheng feng xin..
ㅤㅤㅤsan lang , i — feng xin is — ... feng xin is alive. there's.. no way for you two to meet ... unless.. ?
if you truly want to protect this beloved of yours.. come with me. see how a devastation handles things, wrath.
she's just.. she's hungry again—- it's okay, i've got her. you have work..
i fed her right before we got here! shes been eating so much.. no, san lang. i've got it! i can step outside if you need to finish what you're working on..
you can't take them back! these are my jackets now, san lang. our baby likes them too.
@dianxins .. baobei- are you upset ? it isn’t as frequent, has gege not noticed ? i’m quitting. gradually.
oh, san lang—- i told you i could put the baby to sleep myself. (..) you're so sweet. mwah. * modern!
@dianxins gege deals with getting up too often, let me. mn ? shouldn’t i be asking you that, baobei ?
.. san lang, i have to return to puqi shrine. surely my husband will be fine without me for a few days?
then san lang can go out and find himself a bit of work to do in the village! my husband is very strong. he'll find something to keep him occupied.
@dianxins wait in puqi shrine, or maybe the village, but nothing is ever half as interesting as gege.
san lang? you're being awfully clingy.. is something wrong? * canon!
@dianxins hm ? what is there that gege can’t do while his san lang holds him ? does gege want me to let go ?
i never said it was forbidden! but to cling to me like this.. it's a bit restricting, san lang.
san lang? .. san lang! wake up—- san lang, i'm hungry. i want mantou.
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