It's the third month of 2019, almost 4th, and I feel like I've let y'all down. I can't update because of my whole schedule and writer's block. Sure, I've released some books that's coming soon, but I can't seem to find the motivation to write in those books. Instead, new ideas pop in my head about new books that I know won't get finished like Mark's Little Sister and the coming soon books. Yes, I will end up writing in those books again, but when I go to write it all just goes blank whenever I open up the draft, then I give up on writing in that particular book for the rest of the day.
I keep telling myself that writer's block is just a phase, that I'll get over it. However, it's a lot easier said than done. I've had writers block for about four(4) years now, and it keeps getting worse I feel like. Maybe it's part of the reason why I struggle a lot in my English classes in school. I've been told that I shouldn't think so hard about it and to just write what comes to mind. I just don't think that they understand how difficult for me to actually do that. I think complicated for a reason when I'm writing because I have a certain way I write and how it should lay out in the end.
I'm sorry for being so inactive that y all will probably forget that I'm here. But I'm pretty forgettable in the end. Again, I'm sorry for the inconvenience for having y'all read this entire message.