
I wanna thank every body for reading Dirty Dancing  now can y'all read part two of dirty dancing ok sure y'all will like it


If y'all want me to post the preview of dirty dancing 2 right now instead of tonight comment below and have at least 2 of your followers vote for any part of Dirty Dancing story it's ok to have one follower to vote I just need more votes on dirty dancing so I can post Dirty Dancing 2 and trust me I believe all of y'all will like Dirty Dancing 2


If you want a wattpad cover follow @watt_padcovers @watt_padcovers2 for a wattpad cover on IG if you want them to make your cover with writing just DM them the picture you took tell them the title of the book you is making trust me if I were you I'd follow them cause this is where I got most of my covers from 
          Just to let you know they will Mark out the pic you use if you want them to