
We fought! So what?  I thought you’d be over it by now 


ID.  @hcusebeIm 
            *  the dhampir paused && gave heed to the others' words ,  arms full of firewood in preparation for the coming cold season .  his face was carefully neutral ,  lips pursed as he looked to the hunter .  *
            yes ?


this message may be offensive
 @dhvmpirs   ﹙ ♱ ﹚ ❝   alu,   shit.    just wait a moment please.    i wanted to   […]   just—  just wait a moment.   please.   ❜❜


ID.  @hcusebeIm  
            i told you i did not wish to be spoken to by you .


your  hair  is  so  beautiful,  how  is  it  so  soft?


@dhvmpirs        *      That may also be the case.  Perhaps you’ve been pampered too much,  sometimes it’s alright to indulge with the bottom feeders.    (It felt odd to call it that.  However,  Alucard certainly didn’t grow up in need.  Although it couldn’t have been said the same for Trevor,  or Sypha herself.  A small smile draws onto her lips.)    You’d have to teach me too.  I’ve never been much of a cook,  too busy putting my nose between magic rather than a book with recipes.


ID.  @eyesofrouge 
            or perhaps i'm too accustomed to finer things .  i don't blame belmont for his palette ,  as half is mulled ale && bread .


@dhvmpirs   I told you that we should leave the seasoning to you.  Unfortunately,  Belmont doesn’t know the difference between the spoons and the spatulas.


are  you  afraid?  


@dhvmpirs       *      Your selfless nature is a blessing,  Alucard.  It’s what weights with you when you bear a human heart.    (Fingertips gently glide against cool flesh.  Pressing into it casually,  finger dips into the palpable skin slightly.  Perhaps to tease,  or to just simply lightly bother the dhampir prince a little bit.)    We’re also here to protect you,  until our last breath.  No matter how much you and Belmont might bicker,  the two of you care for each other much more than just words alone.  Well,  one can only hope after all those countless fights the two of you have had.


ID.  @eyesofrouge 
            *  adrien leans into the warmth of the woman's palm ,  keeping it there with a pleased sound escaping his lips .  it's been so long since he was touched ,  much less with such casual affection .  && sypha was so giving with it ,  he wished the moment would continue for a little longer .  *
            i am managing .  truthfully ,  all i can think of is what is ahead .  i don't have belmont's fury to spur me on .  i fight for you both && for all the innocents who have been trampled under his night creatures ,  rather than myself .


@dhvmpirs      I think he’d drag me back from death’s doorstep even if I was a fraction close to it.    (A laugh escapes past her lips,  a certain tension releasing between her shoulders as she grows comfortable in his arms.  There’s a certain warmth that Alucard offers,  no matter how cold he might really be.)    And you’re okay?     (It’s a sudden question,  orange tresses falling past her face as she reaches up.  Fingertips gently against his chin before her palm envelops the side of his face.)