Every once and I while I remember this account is still up and I get the urge to unpublish everything, until I check my notifs and see people are still discovering the stories I wrote mostly in a deep depression in 9th grade. I'm a freshman in college now (mentally healthier, but writing less—funny how that works) and I guess it's just nice to see people probably a lot younger than me still enjoying mphfpc content. Putting out writing on MPHFPC gave me a sense of community at a time where I didn't really have that otherwise, and if my old writing fosters any semblance of a connection like that, I can't in good conscience take it down. I think in some form of temporary goodbye in MPHFPC Randomness, I said that I would tell you guys if I ever got published, and I did. Twice. One was a short story in an independent magazine that went defunct after its debut issue, and another was a poem that definitely needed editing but was nonetheless pushed through on a blog run by teenage girls. They're not the best pieces in the world—I doubt any magazine with an ounce of reputation or cent of budget would have picked them up—but they served as a milestone in my writing career, if you can call it that yet. I don't know how many people are still active in the MPHFPC community (from around 2016-2017), but if any old friends or passerby are interested in reading my... more evolved? work, DM me and I'll send it to you.

@MidgeTheSmidge i feel the same way. when i write nowadays sometimes i catch myself thinking of riggs and realizing how much those books influenced my style. its weird. i was just some stupid kid (im still a stupid kid) who found some kind of community in these accounts and theories and rants about some strange little books. in any case lemme see that evolved work man >:)