
@Kirschenbeere (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


“Hey Dan, can we get a hamster?” I always wanted one but my room mate never thought that we would look after it. “Phil, we’ve talked about this, you wouldn’t look after it properly, you can hardly look after yourself!” He retorted. It wasn’t really in an angry way but he never even took into account that I was older than him and I lived by myself before him so getting a hamster wouldn’t be that bad. I decided not to argue. Dan was stubborn and wouldn’t change his mind. I was going into town later on anyway so I needed to get changed. I put on my usual of skinny jeans and a top on.
          I finished getting the few pieces of food that Dan and I needed and was heading back to get the bus, when I walked past the pet shop. I couldn’t resist but walking in and I saw a cage with a small fluffy, black and white hamster in the corner. I looked at the price ‘£10’. It was too small and cute to say no to, so I bought it and a cage. I walked out just as my bus arrived. I paid my fare and hopped on. I couldn’t stop smiling my hamster was one of the best things I’ve ever done, or that’s what I thought.
          I got home and shouted out to Dan “Dan! Come and see what I bought!” He bounced into the hallway of the front door 
          “What’s up?” I raised the cage with the furry ball curled up in the corner again. The expression on his face changed from a sweet and innocent smile to sick and twisted one, with an evil glint in his eye. ” I love it, I was completely wrong about saying no to getting one.” He sounded genuine, but there was something about the way he said it that made me feel un-easy. “So what’s it called?” Dan asked.
          “Can we call him Striker please?” I’ve always loved that name, I don’t really know why.
          “Sure.” His reply was cold and harsh, what was wrong with him? I shrugged it off and went into my room. It was only 9:00 but I was tired and fekt a bit ill. I pulled my P.J bottoms on and slipped into bed. 
          I woke up during the night, my body freezing cold and I was unable to move.


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@ Morphtosomeoneelse  i fucking hate you