
wowie didnt realized its been months since ive logged on but some how im still alive?


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Status update i’m alive guys 
          went in active for personal reasons then when i was gonna come back i dated a guy for two months and got dumped and ultimately regretted it and got played by two other guys and i decided fuck it i’m going back to wattpad 


@dialmyg heyyy, I hope you take as many breaks as you need and don't overwork yourself!
            Stay safe out heree!!


@Lawlietscottenpicker i went through hell as a side mission and i’m so hurt it took 3 guys to mess me tf to send me back to wattpad. anyways hi :) 


that’s insane omg??


Wait wait are u Florence ? From school? I think i! Confusing two different ppl..‍♀️


@MissesErotica think I was being silly and just playing along 


@MissesErotica So uhmm.. Do u remeber.ome.of my blogs u commented on? I thought she was u so thats why i was acting so weird.. But the fact u played along 


So I disappeared again whoops but not by choice.
          Oh my god wattpad is being terrible, I been trying to publish oneshots and chapters and I keep running into issues or something goes wrong. Then I couldn't get back into my account and so many other stuff that I was stressing over so much. Today is the first day I have been let back into my account but I still can't post or anything I can't even check my inbox so yeah I feel terrible 


@1-800-ruDe-Y00nGi- Oml i hate when that happensss


Back to working on updates! I got terrible sick like fr thought I was gonna die and I also had a lot of stuff to do so I have barely had time to write but thankfully I'm back :D oneshots are currently being edited and new chapters are going to be next on my schedule! Thanks for those being so understanding and patience <3


So while working on the L stuff and yoongi fanfic I got an idea for a story that originally was going to be an L oneshot but while I wad writing I realized I wanted to make it into a story with multiple chapters and not about L since I didn't think it suit him well and I have been thinking about writing my own original stories but I'm not sure if it will be enjoyable since most people reading my stuff are here for L (me too) so thoughts should I drop it? I have 3 chapters done already but I'm not sure