
thank you, thank you, thank you so much for voting underground witch. you don't know how happy i am to see your name flashing through my notifications. i'm a newbie, but i admired those writers who had more experience than me. 
          one of your works, “Sang...” had been one of the books that i read while i was getting to know about the academy, and sang with her harem. it was beautifully written and i was very entralled, falling through each words.
          you may not be familiar in my present acc, but i voted the book through my other acc (Augusky/Trishiery), but was deleted by wattpad later on because it got reported. i'm just sharing in case you are confused why you hadn't seen my username in your notifications. 
          please do continue to work and inspired young authors such myself. it had been an honor.
          thank you so much!
          from: im_trisssia


@ayame3979 wahhhh i'm so sorry. that was very embarrassing! anyway, i still appreciate you for voting my story. i'm thankful not because i mistaken you for someone. i'm thankful for your appreciation. thank you so much! i won't disappoint you! 


@im_trisssia I'm not a writer so you have the wrong person. But I do enjoy your book and look forward to more of it when you have time to update.