
Note: If you've already read the announcement on Instagram, you don't have to read this one! This one will be a rundown of that one. (If you prefer to read the extended version of this announcement, it's posted on my instagram.)
          	Hello Everyone! 
          	I just want to start off this announcement by letting you all know that I am back. I'm sorry I took so long. Now I will catch you all up as quick as possible. 
          	1: I unfortunately had extended family issues that resulted in me completely falling into a bad mental state. I have since (kind of) improved and have returned.
          	2: During the time I was away I became extremely unhappy with my books. At some point I literally just wanted to delete it all and delete my account. 
          	However, I decided not to. Instead I will be making edits to the first two books. The edits will not mess up the plot. I will only edit things I deem unnecessary. What those edits are, I have absolutely no idea. I'll get to it soon though. 
          	3: I was in fact the one that took "Chaos & Pleasure" down. I will temporarily put "Chaos and Pleasure" back up but will also be making some changes to it as well. For example, "Chaos and Pleasure" will now be named "Desires and Drawings". If you'd like to wait for those edits, feel free to do so. I recommend it since I will also be adding more to that story. 
          	4: Aiden and Ethan's book will no longer be published as "Corrupted Perfections" it will now be named "Love and Lockets". 
          	Thank you all for the love and support you all continue to show me! I will close this off by saying that I will be posting new chapters of "Our Conditions" tomorrow (04/14) at 5PM EST. 


@diamondxfantasy I’m glad that you are back, just now come back again.


I’m so happy you’re okay! 


welcome back!! i’m
          	  so glad you’re alright and i’m so excited to read more of your works!!


Hey! I'm a representative of G∅∅d N∅vel. I want to ask if you'd be interested in signing one or more of your stories with my platform. No pressure, if you're not interested then you can simply tell me or ignore. And if you're here are some details about the contract we offer.
          Good Novel is a legit platform, where writers get encouraged and paid for there hard work.
          We offer two contracts.
          Exclusive Contract: It pays better. Once you sign the contract and update up to 30k words, you get your signing bonus which is $100, also your book gets locked, and you start making 50% shares earned from your book. You can withdraw immediately you get up to $100
          That's not all, this is more of our payment scheme.
          120k words = $100 signing fee
          $150 attendance bonus
          $250 Completion bonus
          Total: $500
          150k words = $100 Signing few
          $150 × 2  = Attendance bonus
          $325= Completion bonus
          Total = $725
          230k words = $100 signing fee
          $150 × 4 = Attendance bonus
          $400 = Completion bonus
          Total = $1,100 
          330K Words = $100 Signing fee
          $150×6 = Attendance bonus
          $400 + $1,000 = Completion bonus
          Total = $2,400 USD
          Non-Exclusive Contract: You can post your book on any other platform, as many as you like. We have no issue with you. You get 50% shares made from your book, and also get $50 when you update up to 120k words. which is now a paid story.
          Can we proceed? Pick one you feel comfortable with.
          you are interested in our mind-blowing offer, kindly reply this message , happinessestherkufre@gmail.com or better DM on Whatsapp+2348116298109


hello, I want to speak with you regarding your book. 
          I'm a representative of Letterlux. We are interested in signing one or more of your stories on our platform. 
             Being a signed author Letterlux  is an awesome opportunity, to not only showcase your work, but monitize it
          An EXCLUSIVE contract means that your novel CAN ONLY be published on
          Your royalties and bonuses includes.
          50% profit shares made from the sales of your book.
          80,000~119,999 words = 
          $100 signing bonus
          $200 = Attendance bonus
          $200 = Completion bonus
          Total: $500
          120,000 words
          $100 Signing bonus
          $200 × 1 = Attendance bonus
          $300 = Completion 
          Total = $600
          150,000 words 
          $100 Signing bonus
          $200 × 2  = Attendance bonus
          $300 = Completion 
          Total = $800
          200k words and above = $100 signing bonus
          200 × (the number of AB) = Attendance bonus
          $400 = Completion bonus
          Total 1100 to 1300 usd depending on the total number of words.
          Mail me at happinessestherkufre@gmail.com or dm me on WhatsApp+2348116298109 if you are interested


Note: If you've already read the announcement on Instagram, you don't have to read this one! This one will be a rundown of that one. (If you prefer to read the extended version of this announcement, it's posted on my instagram.)
          Hello Everyone! 
          I just want to start off this announcement by letting you all know that I am back. I'm sorry I took so long. Now I will catch you all up as quick as possible. 
          1: I unfortunately had extended family issues that resulted in me completely falling into a bad mental state. I have since (kind of) improved and have returned.
          2: During the time I was away I became extremely unhappy with my books. At some point I literally just wanted to delete it all and delete my account. 
          However, I decided not to. Instead I will be making edits to the first two books. The edits will not mess up the plot. I will only edit things I deem unnecessary. What those edits are, I have absolutely no idea. I'll get to it soon though. 
          3: I was in fact the one that took "Chaos & Pleasure" down. I will temporarily put "Chaos and Pleasure" back up but will also be making some changes to it as well. For example, "Chaos and Pleasure" will now be named "Desires and Drawings". If you'd like to wait for those edits, feel free to do so. I recommend it since I will also be adding more to that story. 
          4: Aiden and Ethan's book will no longer be published as "Corrupted Perfections" it will now be named "Love and Lockets". 
          Thank you all for the love and support you all continue to show me! I will close this off by saying that I will be posting new chapters of "Our Conditions" tomorrow (04/14) at 5PM EST. 


@diamondxfantasy I’m glad that you are back, just now come back again.


I’m so happy you’re okay! 


welcome back!! i’m
            so glad you’re alright and i’m so excited to read more of your works!!