Almost 3yrs dlm dunia oren. Jd pembaca setia and buat reading list abg abg uniform. Thanks pd new followers. Feel free to share kisah abg/akak uniform with me. If tkde dlm list I okay!❤️
Almost 3yrs dlm dunia oren. Jd pembaca setia and buat reading list abg abg uniform. Thanks pd new followers. Feel free to share kisah abg/akak uniform with me. If tkde dlm list I okay!❤️
Guyssss! Sy perasan ramai follower baru ni. Salam berkenalan. Follow sy sebab abg uniform ke tuuu? hehehehe.
Btw. Kalau korg tau cerita uniform yg tkde dlm list sy tu. Share share la ek. Cerita yg best best pun boleh! Abg pilot, abg lecturer atau duda hot. Ok gak. Boleh sy baca and add to library.❤️❤️
Assalamualaikum dan hai. (Tumpang promote) Kalau tak keberatan, jemputlah baca karya baru saya. Cubalah dulu baca bab 1-5 dulu. Then, boleh pilih untuk teruskan atau tidak. Please do your support and vote! I appreciate a lot and have a nice day. (*^3^)/~♡
RAHSIA KAU DAN AKU - in wattpad