
@purplehamsa I love your story and so I followed you...please update soon...


Muaa! That's  for the chapter votes on "Tattooed Princess." What do you like about this story so far?


To answer your question about the sexual scenes in ur story, funny thing is I have read other stories that contains more vivid sexual scenes.. But in your story it is quite wholesome in some way that you don't use vulgar words.. Nevertheless, the scenes in your story still evokes giggles from me.  specially Svetlana and Murka's


Nice to hear about that 2nd book. I can't wait to read it. Though I have to finished The Tattoed Princess first. 


@diaz_gongju ~~Wow. You're the first person who has asked me that. The beautiful thing about fiction is that each story it begins a whole world for its characters--even minor ones. The possibilities become immense. Thanx for you input. Murka and Svetlana do figure in "Book Two" which I'm writing now, but i don't want to be a spoiler. By the way have the sexual scenes in this book so far pushed you out of your comfort zone? Some younger females might experience this in certain chapters--others enjoy the sensual nature of my writing.


Hey diaz_gongju~~Thanx for choosing to follow me. You won't be disappointed. I write across most the WP genres, and like you like to see a strong and independent female who gets into situations with her curiosity but manages to come out of it wiser, and have a pretty naughty time with it as well. Hey can you relate? :)  Feel free to message me anytime about Life, Love, Sex, or just the amazing art of storytelling.
          Enjoy my tales