Annyeong chingu..
Pasti suka baca fanfictionkan?
Aku lagi buat cerita fanfict nih, ceritanya seru kok nggak bakalan bikin bosen buat bacanya..
Mampir yuk siapa tau suka sama ceritanya, apalagi castnya anak - anak NCT yang super perfect itu..
-> My Perfect Love | Mark Lee <-
Diazastuti-!! Mau mencoba genre 'action mixed with ABO' ──ONGNIEL Version. Maybe you want to check my stories and save it to your libraries ♡̷
@nickhy03 lebay y phi?? Biar ja de kali2 hehehe.... ok na u 2 phi good luck 4 ur real life n dont 2 busy na. Sometimes we need "me time" just 2 enjoy the life hehehe...