
fuh dah lama tinggal Wattpad. now is misi untuk mencari story best best :3


i might or not read again death is my bff bc its been a loooong time since i last read em. if i continue read the updates(im not sure if there are any lmao) i will end up confusing myself. so i think i will start the story all over again. phew


@dethought ok aku menyesal. part ori serious best. memang lain sgt dgn rewritten. rwr byk scene baru. overall, soooo sad sbb skrg ni on hold buku ori.ver. ;(((+


@dethought ok la aku paham, sbb faktor umur kutt. she was 14 at that time, and i can say that she wrote better than my 17 y/o LOL. tp skrg on hold dulu baca. sbb plot agak serabut and faith buat aku rasa annoying hahaha.  anyway, i look forward for new upadates for the rewritten one!


@dethought aku lg suka rewritten version. sbb plot lagi kemas, cara penulisan, comeback main character both death and faith nampak lagi matang. their behavior pun. tp yang first version pun not bad. imma rate 7.5/10.