I appreciate all the support, I really do, but please stop asking for updates in my comments. I know you all mean well and just want to read more of my story, but it’s really off-putting. There’s a lot going on in my life right now and I’m writing as much as I can as often as I can. Updates will come as soon as I have time to give them. Thank you to everyone who has left nice comments and voted, I love and appreciate you all ❤️

Thank you, I appreciate it! It’s a good idea but I honestly don’t see myself writing that sort of thing. It’s something that hits close to home for me and I’m not comfortable writing it. But I appreciate the suggestion!

@dickymadman take your time! There's no need to rush. Though I would like to share an idea and though we're a long way from S maybe it could be S for Suicide where we'll jay attempts suicide. I thought I would just share my idea, no need to actually use it just write as you want.