
Chapter 50.2's up! Two more chapters to go before the Epilogue.


Lagpas 1 year na rin pala yung huling ud ng TotFH??  katatapos ko lang uli mag re-read, huhu sobrang ganda at sobrang underrated talaga ng kwnetong tooooo  Although I miss Ralph & Eka so much, take your time po Miss author, I know you're busy rin sa life huhu no pressure po sa pag u-ud 


          I posted an update: https://www.wattpad.com/860841107-tragedy-of-the-fallen-hero-chapter-45-%E2%80%A2-the-hero
          ---since i wasn't able to post new chapters two weekends ago. and i might not write an update this coming weekend too due to busy schedule :(
          nevertheless, just want to share that i'm 95% complete writing Erica and Ralph's story. i hope i could finish it this May and i can share it here already.