
it’s crazy that people still read my stories  i was like 14/15 when i write those and i didn’t think people would like them as much, even nowadays. i know i said i’d write new jelena stories but... since they’re really not in each other’s lives, i didn’t. do y’all still want me to write them?


it’s crazy that people still read my stories  i was like 14/15 when i write those and i didn’t think people would like them as much, even nowadays. i know i said i’d write new jelena stories but... since they’re really not in each other’s lives, i didn’t. do y’all still want me to write them?


Omg  I can't find the chapter I wrote. I don't know if I published it and Wattpad deleted it or I wrote in my note book but got torn out. I'm freaking out right now like seriously. I have no idea what I wrote so now the next chapter has to go in a different direction than what I wanted. I hope y'all like it either way. 


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Hayyoo!!! I haven't updated on any of my stories lately but I will sometime this week or next week. Most likely next week. I've been going through hella family shit like I'm super stressed out and super emotional. So I have just been busy. Sorry for that but I will get back on my job, swear. Thank you