Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, my fam! How did you all spend your Christmas? My eldest sister and her family came over. It was a delight to spend time with my niece and nephew. Anyway, I have a Christmas present for you all! Chapter 14 of Hopelessly Bound is up. Check it out and join Zainab and Danladi on their ride. https://www.wattpad.com/1408520205?utm_source=android&utm_medium=link&utm_content=share_published&wp_page=create_on_publish&wp_uname=dilenu&wp_originator=KmnUWX2KrvUueeHd1DofsPjjsuTQv7aO0dt0moTs1pFhJczaEOZA3BqiZ4m9%2F