Chapter 2 | Nightmares & Flashbacks is out!
'Trying To Forget' has a new chapter that is following the recent events of Emme Bryner. After we were left with the group splitting in the first book and how Emme has turned out in the first chapter, along with Joseph's unsuspecting visit, chapter 2 is definitely a filler for how her nights have been spent ever since then.
Please read the author's note at the end, pretty important if you'd like to stay up-to-date and understand this book a little more. Melanie Martinez is now part of the cast, being Emme's cousin -- Marie Hart! Not much is said about Marie, but the reason will be revealed soon.
Also share this story whenever you can, it's very appreciated. I would love to have this story everywhere and, despite horrible grammar (and such), I would love to see it blossom.