
Hey Whovians!!!
          	I've started a new story, it's called 'Howling at the Storm'. It ships Tentyler, Tenpetals, tenxrose whatever you want to call it. I'll continue my other stories but I just had this one on mind.
          	Thank you all!!!


I consider myself a high-functioning psychopath.


@MSuriFangirl is there a difference?


@DangerousThinking I thought you were a tricky sexy angel :)


Hey Whovians!!!
          I've started a new story, it's called 'Howling at the Storm'. It ships Tentyler, Tenpetals, tenxrose whatever you want to call it. I'll continue my other stories but I just had this one on mind.
          Thank you all!!!


           He vist que has entrat a la meva història. No sé si t'ha agradat o no, però m'ha despertat la curiositat per  saber de tu per suposat. T'afegiré a la meva bibiloteca per seguir-te però en català perquè d'anglès estic fatal. Ja et diré què.


@ simmasgol  Hola! No pateixis, d'anglès només escric fanfic i ja escriuré històries normals en català (si em ve per casualitat la inspiració). I he començat el teu llibre i la veritat és que m'encanta! Continua escrivint si us plau!


Hey there!
           I uploaded a new chapter of 'I Deserve'. I'm working with this one and soon I'll upload 'Locked Secrets'. I'll work on them when I can (being abroad and all of this stuff) but I think tomorrow I'll post something more!
          Thanks you all!


Hello there!
          I've posted a chapter to my new story, called 'I Deserve'. Is a Doctor Who / Tenth Doctor fanfic and I'm working on it. Don't worry, I haven't forgot about 'Locked Secrets' and I'm working on another story, this one longer.
          I hope you enjoy it!


Holi :)
          He pujat el primer capítol d'un nou llibre que estic fent:  Latimos Como Uno. Llegiu-lo (té 700 paraules amb comentaris) i digueu-me que us sembla.
          He subido el primer capítulo de un nuevo libro que estoy haciendo: Latimos Como Uno. Leedlo (tiene 700 palabras con comentarios) y decidme que os parece.