@dwellinthepresent It's fine. I thought of it as a joke at first, but it didn't quite go that well.. so I thought..
Never mind. I'm sorry too for I've been harsh. I was just worried about Athena... Sorry again. And, it's not a big deal hey.
I can't believe I even .. omg. Your background. Are you a Directioner? *squeals* Forgive me. Just a fangirl. XDDD
I'm glad then ahaha :) I also wrote an apology on your friend's message boards. If you can get in contact with them please inform them that I didn't actually mean it. Thank you, and sorry.
I have put MHL on hold because honestly, I have no time to write. And I have to sort some stuff before I do so.
Also, I'd like to thank all of you for being patient and not unfollowing me for the terrible wait.
Thank you, I love you all <3