Thanks A lot for voting and commenting in 'Thank You Allah'.
I appreciate your time, I hope it's worth reading my book. Thanks again! May Allah grant you unlimited happiness throughout your life sis. Take care!
~ Angels
@Moon_Stars_Sun_5 As salamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatahu love ....it's but a pleasure !!!awwww you are honestly tooo sweet for words. thank you so much ......Mwah and your book is totally amazing .I absoutley love it ..
@Aries10af slmz sister ....!your book is absolutely amazing !I just read the chapter you updated now and wow it was phenomenally written .. #ahugefanofyourbook
Hey there awesome Indian who knows so many languages... lol ;) JazakAllah for voting on 'SA'... I'm going to begin it soon In sha Allah (stay tuned if you are interested to know more about the two of them). I seriously thought you were South African in the beginning of your bio... Tee-hee :D
Oh!! No worries about that, though it's 'The Girl in Black'. That was very sweet of you to vote (sad that u forgot your password) n I'll surely look forward to your votes n comments on it soon... In sha Allah :) BTW I'm gonna start editing it soon n concentrate on SA coz its stretching a lot n I wanna take my mind off it for a bit...
@What_Big_EyesO_O... lol awwww!! i absolutely love your book already i seriously can't wait for you to begin with it
ps i absolutely, positively ,1000% loved your book girl in the black scarf*lol plz don't kill me if i got the name wrong * ..funny story I voted for it with my other account unfortunately I forgot my password along with every book that was in my liabary including the name of your book but fortunately enough I came across it again and plan on reading the last few chapters aswell as voting for them
@Crowned_princeSs wa alaykum as salam...Wa Antum fa Jazaakum AllaahuKhayran ....omw yes I love !love !love your book (lol is that one too many "love"'s in one sentence )