I’m just coming on here to talk about this situation cuz tbh I’m fkn over it
Everyone needs to stop hating on nessa
I’m a Muslim and I NEVER once thought of cancelling her or anything
She has apologised and deleted the video, there’s nothing else to be done
Nessas spoke to me and a few other people saying that she will be taking time of off social media
So when she comes back on please be respectful and remember she just a normal 17 yr old girl
just has a bigger platform
I spoke to her yesterday and I can see that she truly didn’t mean to offend anyone
Also STOP hating on josh I don’t see y people need to bring him into this
Yes it’s his gf but he did absolutely nothing
And to all of the people telling them to break up - maybe get ur life together instead of trying to ruin others
I have spoke some more about it on my Instagram so if u want to hear more from me then you can go see what I have to say @navaniie_beansx
But just letting u know I’m going and reporting every hate page that shitty people have made for her