
I’m a terrible person lmao. I’m doing higher exams this year but I might postpone revision to get started on rewriting my book? Idk, I feel terrible. I haven’t updated it yet!
          	 If anyone is interested in being a beta for the revised chapters, please comment on this announcement, thank you. :)


I’m a terrible person lmao. I’m doing higher exams this year but I might postpone revision to get started on rewriting my book? Idk, I feel terrible. I haven’t updated it yet!
           If anyone is interested in being a beta for the revised chapters, please comment on this announcement, thank you. :)


Hello all!
          I’ve got just a few things to say, I’ll be quick:
          • Just a small update on Made of Fire and Shadow. I’m working on the revised plot at the moment, with my partner in crime ;). Sadly with school, quarantine and everything else I haven’t managed to get writing... yet. Do not fear however, no matter what happens I WILL GET IT DONE. 
          • THANK YOU FOR 100 FOLLOWERS! I am honestly blown away, it may not seem big but it’s put a massive smile on my face.
          • THANK YOU FOR 50K VIEWS! I... can’t quite believe it. Thank you to all of you. Your comments make my day whenever I see them, every time my story gets added to a reading list I can’t help but smile. <3
          • THANK YOU FOR 1K VOTES! Wow... just wow. (;-;) 
          Feel free to send questions, comments and requests my way. Any ideas for the new plot/ rewrite of the story are very much welcome. As well as an constructive criticism! 
          I love you all, live long and prosper. XD 


Hey y’all I might be getting a Ao3 account or something. 
          But for now... how would you all think about a one shot book? Like for lots of different fandoms?? I’m obsessed with SPN so a lot of that ya know? 
          I’m bored guys, like really really bored...


          Anyone who follows me and reads my only published story has probably been wondering where the hell I’ve been all year. Well, I’m not dead so that’s something.  I have no excuse for not updating however. 
          I just haven’t had any inspiration for a very long time. I lost sight of what I saw in my own idea when I started it, and haven’t been able to find it again. I jumped into my first proper ‘book’ (if you can even call it that) with no long term plan and I had absolutely no idea what I was doing.
          I’m afraid that the spark the book ignited in me has all but sputtered out, and I don’t have anything left to give in regards to it. I’m only thirteen (14 in January) and school has become more and more stressful lately. I think I should just face the fact that I probably won’t be able to keep this story going, and I apologise for that.
          It genuinely saddens me to say that I will discontinue this story though there is still hope for it. I was wondering any of you want to... adopt it? That would be awesome. I don’t really know how it would work but I was thinking someone out there might want to finish what I started, and I would love to see that happen. 
          Anyway, just to finish off my ramblings, I was wondering if anyone would like to read the last chapter draft I wrote. It was written when my inspiration was all but gone, and you can tell, but if you would like to read it, tell me and I’ll publish it. 
          Thank you so much for your support through my short time writing Made of Fire and Shadows, you have all warmed my heart so many times. Seeing a comment from any of you beautiful people made my day, and I love all of you! I want to start thinking about other stories, so I’ll be in touch (maybe a one shot series will be more manageable). 
          That’s me signing off for now, I hope at least some of you read all this.
          Thank you Xx.


I will also publish this message in the book, for the people who do not follow me to see.


Hello!!! To all those people who read my ongoing story, I am so, so, so sorry. I haven’t updated in ages!!! I know not everyone will see this but it’s an easier way than making another A/N. Anyway, I’m not promising anything but I’m currently writing the beginnings of the next chapter and hope to get it to you soon.
          But an apology wasn’t really the purpose of this message. I really wanted to ask if anyone needed a new cover for their books? If you haven’t noticed yet, I made myself a new book cover, and I think it’s a huge improvement. I have a weird new obsession for making book covers, logos, album covers etc. and would love to put it to good use. 
          So, if anyone would like a new cover, or just wants to make up a name of a book and see what I come up with, I would be more than happy to oblige.