
New story , Tell me if you'd like me to continue it porfavor (:


          I was wondering if you had some free time and would like to check out my story “2 years love test” it’s a romantic and humorous story it talks about a heart broken girl who’s about to become an actress and goes to a trip with her friend that makes her whole love life change, it’s very sweet and entertaining I assure you, and not one of those (déjà vu stories) sometimes I go back and read it again myself lols!!
          I know these comments are annoying, but you could just delete them in one click right hehe…
          *XJ.Oniphazze (aka: jasmine)


Hey, i was wondering, if you would mind (If you do mind and find these annoying then fair doo's to you)   reading my story - there is nothing - or if you would prefer to read a completed story then maybe - the maze-. Plz vote and comment - it's much appreciated :)
          ... also they're good if you want a change from vampire stories (If you don't then fair enough)
          HOLLY x


Hay I have three poems posted and would really appreciate if you could check them out and vote, comment, or fan! The most recent poem is "Broken" and I think its one of my best yet :) I would really appreciate it, and as always, I'll return the favor!!! Thanks!!! 


Hey, sorry these messages are annoying. But, i was wondering if you had any free time, can you check out my story Pure Bliss 
          Please tell me what you think,That would be awesome! But if you don't, that's fine. Thank you!! :) 
          Bliss Collins didn't know how stressful & difficult her senior year of high school would be. But school isn't Bliss's problem. 
          Dylan Heart's life changed when he moved to the small town of Meadow Valley. His life is full of secrets with one secret that is hard to keep. Let's just say, he isn't a typical teenager. 
          Let's not forget about Lucas Heart. Dylan's older brother. He also shares Dylan's secret. 
          In a town full of psycho stalkers, vampires, werewolves, hunters, & a killer on the loose, Meadow Valley is nothing but peaceful.


          My story, 'Change of Fate' is not on the What's hot list at #46! 
          Im so happy, and it's all thanks to you lovely wattpad-ers out there. (: 
          anyways, i was wondering if you havnt voted/read it already, if you could help me get it up higher in the ranking? i would be forever grateful and would be happy to do the same. :3 
          Brie x