
hey... so obviously my 1 book was taken down a little while ago. I'm working on a different book that will hopefully be higher quality and have a plot (lol) but I haven't worked on it in a while. I'm hoping I can get a few chapters done and maybe start slowly posting again!


@disgruntledmammoth  i hope too cz after reading it i really loved the way you right stories and u the best author ❤️


hey... so obviously my 1 book was taken down a little while ago. I'm working on a different book that will hopefully be higher quality and have a plot (lol) but I haven't worked on it in a while. I'm hoping I can get a few chapters done and maybe start slowly posting again!


@disgruntledmammoth  i hope too cz after reading it i really loved the way you right stories and u the best author ❤️


Hey, what about devoured by them? Are you going to post it on another platform?


@disgruntledmammoth Author, you keep your standards high... I LOVED AND DEVOURED that book atleast 200+ times by now... :'> :'>


@ArtemisVenusACB I'm not sure! I don't think I have all of it saved & this is the only platform I'm on. but also... i don't think it was my best work. I want to work on my other book and start posting with it but I just haven't been. but hopefully that one will be higher quality


I came back wanting to re read this book and found out from you that's it's been removed. So far almost a lot of books are getting removed that I thought were extremely good like one of them was named you belong to me I was reading it one and then the next when I clicked on it it said that thing were it haven't been found and this isn't the same as the one that'll pop up of you search the name up that one doesn't come close to it first of this one had like over 80 chaps, but another book that I like was named theirs I think and I loves it so much that it was basically a comfort book and I literally cants find and all of those other books I've already read and they don't give me the same feeling that this one did


I came back on the ap to read Devoured By Them and realised it's gone again. For a smut friendly platform, it should not evem be an issue! 
          Anyway I hope you're okay! and waiting for you to post the new book you're working on!


@ashywaters aww, thanks for being so sweet! I'm not really understanding what happened and there's not really any place you can go to ask so.. there's that. I'll probably throw up the chapters I have saved then leave it at that


sooo my lil book got removed again! apparently it violates some sort of guidelines, I'm not sure what that's about... I do have a good number of chapters saved on my phone but I'm afraid of putting it up again in case they ban me or something. I've been wanting to post another story anyway... hmm.


@int3rgalacticc What We Remove
            The following are not allowed on Wattpad. This is not a complete list, and we have the right to remove any content that we find inappropriate. Any content that could put our community at risk will be removed. Wattpad has the right to close any account or remove content without notice.
            Sexual Content on Wattpad
            Pornographic Content. Wattpad considers content to be pornographic when it exists solely for the purpose of sexual stimulation.
            Age of Consent. The age of consent is 18+ on Wattpad. Any sexual content between characters must abide by this age of consent and not be in violation of Canadian Law.
            Glorification of Sexual Violence. Wattpad classifies non-consensual sexual acts to include rape, sexual assault, kidnapping for sexual purposes, or sexual slavery. The content cannot be encouraging or promoting non-consensual sex acts.
            Sexual Roleplay or Messaging. Wattpad does not permit sexual messages or solicitation. This includes posting content that encourages sexual private messages, on or off Wattpad, or posting rules for public or private roleplay that are intended for sexual purposes.
            Illegal Sex Acts. In accordance with Canadian Law, Wattpad explicitly prohibits any content which describes illegal sex acts including, but not limited to, bestiality, necrophilia, incest or child sexual exploitation and abuse material. Such content will be removed.


@disgruntledmammoth I think ik why it got removed


@codesevenn it's unfortunate!! I have saved a good portion but it's not exactly a masterpiece so I'll probably just start over. (I'm suspecting the reason it was taken down was because it didn't have enough of a plot and was just spice lol)


Bro what happened to the book


sorry yall :( it was definitely not my choice


I wanna read it badly


@LylahLuvsu bro is there any other app this book is on


just want to say real quick that i know I update very slow sometimes but if I ever quit a book I fully intend to let yall know!


            I love this book so much so far but take your time! Don't let people pressure you into updating faster :)