
Hello everybody! I have a kinda important message. I would really like it for you to say which one of my books I should update first! I don't really know which one you guys like the most, and I would like to update the book people favor. I would also really like it if you suggest more than one book, but please do at least one. I'm sorry if I sound needy, I just want your input. Thank you so much! Buh-Bye!


Sorry. Wattpad was messing up, the last reply was to go somewhere else.




Oh nothing much. Just really reading Gravity Falls fanfic. And talking to you!


Hello everybody! I have a kinda important message. I would really like it for you to say which one of my books I should update first! I don't really know which one you guys like the most, and I would like to update the book people favor. I would also really like it if you suggest more than one book, but please do at least one. I'm sorry if I sound needy, I just want your input. Thank you so much! Buh-Bye!


Sorry. Wattpad was messing up, the last reply was to go somewhere else.