STRUCTURALISM & BRAND SEMIOTICS- NEW BOOKS OUT NOW Title: Towards a semiotics of brand equity: Brand coherence and communicative consistency through structuralist operations and rhetorical transformations Author: George Rossolatos Release date: May 2012 Pages: 126 Preview: http://books.google.gr/books/about/Towards_a_semiotics_of_brand_equity_Bran.html?hl=el&id=Zlwsv5X0BVwC Available at: Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B0084736H0 Lulu:http://www.lulu.com/shop/george-rossolatos/towards-a-semiotics-of-brand-equity-brand-coherence-and-communicative-consistency-through-structuralist-operations-and-rhetorical-transformations/ebook/product-20130723.html Publication objectives: «The principal aim of the book at hand consists in a prolegomena to the construction of an innovative approach of structuralist rhetorical semiotics as a formal metalanguage and method in the form of a conceptual model, coupled with a transformative grammar and a stepwise methodology with view to addressing a crucial gap in the existing consumer and advertising research literature (and marketing/advertising practice alike) concerning how advertising stimuli may be selected, how they may be transformed into brand elements and how brand elements may be transformed into brand associations as sustainable sources of brand equity. The book is concerned with demonstrating the usefulness of a systematic theoretical and practical approach through the import of semiotics and rhetoric to the construction and ongoing management of brand associations as sources of sustainable brand equity».