
Allergy was unpublished I'll republish it some day...


Tbh I've been busy ordering kpop albums(rock star!!! And I'm so hyped for the world ep:fin bro) and novels and being sick and confined to my room for so long that I've forgotten I have two platforms worth of fanfics which I SHOULD attend to but what if I take a 27477373 year break till both my upcoming exams which will run over the course of the next year and a half end....


If you told me I'd listen to halazia for 3 hours straight last year I wouldn't believe you, if you told me I'd listen to halazia for 3 hours straight a few months ago I might have doubted you a bit, if you told me yesterday I wouldn't have believed you at all but uh- I listened to halazia for 3 hours straight 


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Told a mod I'd post something deranged here which is actually me announcing my upcoming return from hiatus. My term tests are almost over and after a few research proposals, magazine edits and running errands for clubs I will officially be back to shit posting (updating fics)


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I'm sorry mi Chihuahuas I have school stuff rn that's why there's been no updates</333 and exams are coming up so yeah updates will be scarce... also a rabbit went missing but honestly that guy is an asshole he's the father of all the baby rabbits of different rabbit mom's here but it's sad if my lil scaramoochie (a rabbit) becomes sad so I hope he shoes up </33


What kind of magic drugs do I have to put in my fanfiction to get people to read? [dropping bags of cocaine]


@diueue asking myself the same thing


@diueue I just remembered allergy exists again in other words it was forgotten im starting to see the picture...