
Obviously, you are a very good writer because a lot of people want you to update. If you don't have ideas, you can ask people to take other the stories on their accounts. People don't like to be left on a cliffhanger, especially in a good book. You are a talented writer and people obviously want to read your books. 
          Or, you could have forgotten your account password. That would very much suck.


Please , if you do not update the ocean , your lovely story I will feel like asling when she held her daughters grave and screamed . I will feel like kahlen if she ever misses her sisters and finds that they are gone (by the way please don't make that happen). Please I need your story or I will never find my alkini, my ocean .So please for the sake of kahlen update your story, for you are strong as a author , and might be one someday . Their will come a day when people will not accept you, later wishing they had . I believe in you . Please keep writing , with much love , your hopeful reader . 
          Ps. Please read all of this , even if its a bit long 
          Pps. Please can asling be in the story and meet Kahlen and maybe go on a journey to find their past. It could be on day the meet , then they both are carrying the mystical bottle of dark water and the journey begins .