
Desperately working on getting a chapter up for both The Comedown and Eclipse! Trudging aimlessly through some insane writers block that is for sure correlated with the direction my life has taken since February, (all good things though!) Might aim for somewhat shorter chapters that would allow me more flexibility while writing/uploading, but still allowing for worthwhile additions to the story. I appreciate the patience greatly while I navigate this. You will not be disappointed! 


Desperately working on getting a chapter up for both The Comedown and Eclipse! Trudging aimlessly through some insane writers block that is for sure correlated with the direction my life has taken since February, (all good things though!) Might aim for somewhat shorter chapters that would allow me more flexibility while writing/uploading, but still allowing for worthwhile additions to the story. I appreciate the patience greatly while I navigate this. You will not be disappointed! 


Hey guys!
          I'm a little behind on the updates for Waste My Time and Never Gonna Leave This Bed, more so NGLTB..... I try to get an update out for both books ASAP! Please bare with me, I'm a tad bit busy as the upcoming school year is coming in faster than expected. 
          My updating schedule may be changed as school begins since I also have sports to juggle but don't worry I'll keep you all updated on what's going on! Thank you :)


Its been 6 months since Taboo has hit 1k reads and earlier today I hit 18k.... Thank you for all the reads, votes, and lovely comments (WHICH I READ EVERY SINGLE ONE OF) !! I'm excited for where this next chapter will take us so thank you all <3 xx