
Not to get too political or anything but how the heck did a qualified prosecutor lose to the convicted felon who was impeached TWICE? 
          	America, what going on? 
          	a concerned Canadian. 
          	Ps: I know a lot of my readers/followers are on the younger side and that a lot of you are American. Please, please, please educate yourselves on your political system and the ramifications of this decision and please, please, go out to vote not just in the next 4 years but also in your local elections. 
          	Republicans now control the Oval Office and Supreme Court, and it's looking like the Senate too... I fear this isn't just gonna end with Trump...


@divinedutchess omg totally of topic but I’m Canadian too! And I stand with Kamala!! 


@divinedutchess with all respect kamala harris isn't clean either after all her and biden have the blood of more than 40 thousand people of gaza on their hands


@thegayweb It makes sense to me. As an American Black woman, America will do anything to not elect a woman and especially a BIPOC woman. Even if it's a monster like Trump.