
/ i prOmise im getting to replies rn,, i just had surgery so i was a little wonky earlier today ahaha :,^) 


what  are  you  doing  right  now?


*  a  brow  rose  up  quietly,  letting  the  silence  lengthen  for  a  few  seconds  before  smiling  up  at  him  as  he  tilted  his  head,  *  that’s  a  good  boy.  now,  here  you  go.  i  made  cookies  this  time,  chocolate  chip  —   since  i  was  running  out  of  oatmeal,  *  even  without  the  individual  revealing  his  true  emotions,  but  he  didn’t  bother  looking  too  far  into  it.  the  half  fae  merely  shrugged,  and  sighed.  plopping  down  to  the  ground  until  he  sprawled  himself  out  in  the  grass,  *  lay  with  me.


[ ♚ ‧ id. @aretiste ] 
            ah, you said  .  .  .  i shouldn’t. * the male said, pretending to think for a moment before frowning at their next words, letting out a soft sigh. right, he almost forgot who he was talking to — it was just instinct for him to be rude, guess he’d need to work on that  *  don’t. . please. * he grumbled quietly, crossing his arms over his chest as he sighed, stubborn to show the desperation he felt for them to stay * it’s just. . a normal reaction. just stay. . 


what  did  i  say  about  giving  me  attitude?  you  may  be  a  god,  but  that  doesn’t  mean  you  get  to  treat  people  like  ME,  or  others  .  .   that  way.  got  it?  i  came  to  give  you  baked  goods  but  it  seems  that  i’m  unwanted  —   *  he  mused,  a  scowl  left  past  his  lips  with  his  gaze  narrowing  ever so  slightly,  *  so  i’ll  just  take  this  away,  okay?  and  /  leave.  /  


i am . .     / so / sorry — i swear ,  i will bring it to you .


@divinitybled   ♖ .
            yes !    yes of course .      *    he spoke quickly ,   stumbling over  to the  jars that the other  called for .  he nearly dropped them ,  but  thank the gods for his reflexes as he yanked the jar  out from the shelf and waddled back over — since it’s been a while since he’s really felt his feet on the ground * here you go !


[ ♚ ‧ id. @oceanserves ] 
            then how about you stop wasting time by stumbling on your words & pathetically apologizing, & instead go get what you are SUPPOSED to bring me !  *  the words came out harshly, voice booming as he glared down at the other, features cold & ruby red eyes dark as he scoffed  * 


.  .   you  don’t  belong  here.   get  out.


[ ♚ ‧ id. @starsanctum ] 
            mhm. *  he hummed out quickly, resisting the urge to succumb to the rather  .  .  .  violent urges surging through his body at the moment  —  though he wouldn’t be surprised if he did  *  you still haven’t answered my question.  & i don’t get what you don’t understand by i don’t listen to / SCUM / like you. 


*  unflinching,  they  leaned  forward  as  well.  head  tilting  with  a  smirk  on  their  rosy  -  coloured  lips,  gaze  narrowing  as  their  index  finger  tapped  their  cheek,  pausing,  *  is  that  so?  *  they  grinned,  though  it quickly  fell,  *  i  don’t  care.  leave.


[ ♚ ‧ id. @starsanctum ] 
            people like me  ?  *  came the question, quirking an eyebrow as he leaned forward a little, looking down upon them as he crossed his arms over his chest  *  please do elaborate on what you mean by  ‘ people like me  ’  —  *  he began, a bitterness lacing his tone as he spoke, offering his own, sickly sweet smile (  obviously fake  )  before continuing  *  i also believe that my best interest in none of your concern. 


♚ * CHARACTER SYNOPSIS / ‘ bow down to your god ! 
          a being who has roamed the earth for millions of years, apart of a forgotten race that possessed abilities that the modern human mind cannot hope to comprehend. pride fueled this creature’s veins & greed overcame his heart, conquering the greatest weaknesses of his kind, becoming the ultimate lifeform ! in fear of what he would do, he was sealed away, trapped within a stone prison for years upon years. but enough with the entrapment ! now he is free from what kept him from taking over the earth. a god with no weaknesses & powers that no being should have. . . beware of him for he shall relish in your pain & destroy all that you love !