
Some quick shout outs: 
          	Follow @also_icayl on insta for inspirational, motivational, love, truth, and original thoughts and quotes! They are just starting out so definitely go show them some love. 
          	Follow @sweetzthoughts on insta. The page is absolutely amazing! Their page is all about posting the brutal truth about breakups and relationships. 
          	Follow @extreme_quotes on insta as well! Their page is all about making others happy and providing life quotes. There are definitely some great pieces of advice and quotes and words in their posts that I love! 
          	I personally follow all three of these accounts and love them so much! Definitely go give them a follow and some love! Who know maybe they will posting something and you will love it! It might might also give you advice through the post and help you overcome something! I personally have benefited greatly by following them! You should follow them too! 


Some quick shout outs: 
          Follow @also_icayl on insta for inspirational, motivational, love, truth, and original thoughts and quotes! They are just starting out so definitely go show them some love. 
          Follow @sweetzthoughts on insta. The page is absolutely amazing! Their page is all about posting the brutal truth about breakups and relationships. 
          Follow @extreme_quotes on insta as well! Their page is all about making others happy and providing life quotes. There are definitely some great pieces of advice and quotes and words in their posts that I love! 
          I personally follow all three of these accounts and love them so much! Definitely go give them a follow and some love! Who know maybe they will posting something and you will love it! It might might also give you advice through the post and help you overcome something! I personally have benefited greatly by following them! You should follow them too! 


Hey guys and gals, A few things I need to let you all know.  First, I am currently working on the stories The Elite, My Secret life and 2 other very important stories. As you know I am currently working on the ending of the elite. I have a feeling that the end of that book will come soon before you know it. SOOOOO, Go on read that book and tell me what you think. Also share my books with you're friends! Stay tuned to hear more about the following 3 new stories and the Elite.  A new chapter for The Elite will be released soon. So stay tuned. Also if you are reading my secret life then you should know that I will be completely re-editing the story. I will changing a few things with in the book itself. I am starting from scratch with it, but you can bet that It will be better than what it is right now.  I will release more information soon, right now I'm just dealing with finals, exams, and getting ready for college and everything. SO until next time read on, share, comment, and Like. I'll talk to you guys next time. Bye till then!


I can't find your book one of 'Over Protecfive Brothers and I' :(


@iiJustagirl Forced To Marry Mr. Bad Boy


Oh thank you!


Hey guys and gals, A few things I need to let you all know. First off Becoming beautiful has finally ended. It truly is an amazing journey. If you have not taken a chance to read the book then please go ahead and do so.  Second, I am currently working on the stories The Elite, My Secret life and 2 other very important stories. As you know the elite is on chapter 22. I have a feeling that the end of that book will come soon before you know it. SOOOOO, Go on read that book and tell me what you think. Also share my books with you're friends! Stay tuned to hear more about the following 3 new stories and the Elite. I'm sure a New Year special chapter for The Elite will be released soon. So stay tuned, read on, share, comment, and Like. I'll talk to you guys next time. Bye till then!


Becoming Beautiful is coming to a close end. maybe 1 or 2 more chapters and it's over. If you haven't read it yet. Go check it out. Alsooooooo Go check out my other book The elite if you haven't already. It's farrrr from over. It's only getting started... lol *Insert smirky laughing emoji here*