
this message may be offensive
okay wow it has been a long long LONG time yikes. for the last few years this has become a trend that during the beginning and end of the year it's all very active and hard-hitting but then in the middle me and my story is completely MIA and I realised that thats because these past few years the begining and end of the year is when all the crazy hectic shit that happens between those two points is well not crazy hectic shit. this year has been that-ive been quite unwell, like hospital grade unwell, and not going to go into detail because it's not entirely relevant to what im tryna say now which is I'm trying my best and step by step getting on track. I have been working now and then when my mind gets wild with ideas and things that will happen behind the scenes and stuff and am now getting back into doing more scheduled work on my series and being a fantasy etc series there is a lot of background research and shit to do and my planning for this is huge because its a big world im creating and very complex plots and etc and i am very serious about it so everythng needs to be sorted and put together before i put more out. SO ending my bible paragraph now to whatever followers I have left from my mia ness (Again), stay with me, you wont regret it i promise <3


this message may be offensive
okay wow it has been a long long LONG time yikes. for the last few years this has become a trend that during the beginning and end of the year it's all very active and hard-hitting but then in the middle me and my story is completely MIA and I realised that thats because these past few years the begining and end of the year is when all the crazy hectic shit that happens between those two points is well not crazy hectic shit. this year has been that-ive been quite unwell, like hospital grade unwell, and not going to go into detail because it's not entirely relevant to what im tryna say now which is I'm trying my best and step by step getting on track. I have been working now and then when my mind gets wild with ideas and things that will happen behind the scenes and stuff and am now getting back into doing more scheduled work on my series and being a fantasy etc series there is a lot of background research and shit to do and my planning for this is huge because its a big world im creating and very complex plots and etc and i am very serious about it so everythng needs to be sorted and put together before i put more out. SO ending my bible paragraph now to whatever followers I have left from my mia ness (Again), stay with me, you wont regret it i promise <3


hey hey, just wanted to send a little creative encouragement your way. I know that things with uni are tough & tiring, but hopefully through all of it you can still find some inspiration in the little things! Hoping to read more of Dawn & Alex very soon! Love & Positive vibes xoxox 


@amyabrahams04 and this is why i love you  I'm getting back on track and from next week forward normal writing schedule shall resume and of course you shall be the first to see it ♥return of div shall commence your the best xxx


I'm returning from my mental health break and I'm gonna try easing myself back into the swing of things! Hopefully a new chapter will be up soon and schedule will return back to normal  if you haven't checked out my story, have a read if you'd like and leave your thoughts in the comments-they would be much appreciatedgooooodniiiight from meeee