


Hey sis it's me I back on here yay and I have a question......... can you draw icey my ice fox I want to make her look more better so I'm asking you my sis if you could draw her I want to see what you think she looks like but it's ok if you don't want to I'm just asking OML I did not know I'm writhing this long o.o I soul stop writhing so umm have a good day or night wane every your reading this so buh- bye 


When I start eating Skittles and watching YouTube I somehow get to Klance videos.....HOW THE HELL DID I GET TO THIS


@Master_Kitty_Cat  umm wat? I know this is old and I late reply but wat...?!? 


Me and @Cat-The-Recorder werr crossing the street from the middle school to the high school. One car stops and it was on the left side meaning my side. The other car doesn't stop and drives as me and her were crossing along with some students behind us! She kept driving as were crossing. Shes lucky she didn't hit us. Wtf people. Stop for children. No. Matter. What. ESPECIALLY AT A SCHOOL.