@Penfolk. He is just a good person. I have never been a super,fan of anyone in Hollywood, you know. I like certain people and I think some are,funny amd many of them are good men, but there is NO ONE IN HOLLYWOOD LIKE PRABHAS!!! I guess the closest person would be Hugh Jackman. He is a good man too. But I'm not a super fan of him. I was at the gas station today and the man ahead of me was Indian and I was bold and asked him if he knew who Prabhas20 was and he laughed and said of course and he said he was from where Prabhas was born and I said, oh, Telananga? And he said no, Andra, because it used to be one state and then they made it two. But anyway, I think I am a bit loco because I will go up to anyone that is Indian and ask about Baahubali or Prabhas and they usually know who he is. But the man at my water and ice store hasn't seen his movies and he said his kids only like western movies! WHY? I just can't understand it when Prabhas' movies are so great and there are no bad words or s*x scenes any more people over here don't go out of their way to watch. Anyway, the man at the gas station was very nice to me. Also, one more thing not directly related to Prabhas, but to my love for India (brought to me through the Baahubali movies and Prabhas), I have an Indian friend who is doing the India booth at a small International fair and she wants mw to come help her and wear my Baahubali Saree and wear the earrings that her mother brought from India for me! I told her we,should gice out samples of pani puri and Jalebi! Haha. Anyway, just a side note.