
The Dark Witch's Daughter officially hit 1,000 reads!!! :) 


@Dorializ thank you so much ❤❤❤


The Dark Witch's Daughter officially hit 1,000 reads!!! :) 


@Dorializ thank you so much ❤❤❤


If I have promised you a read for read, I haven't forgotten you. I'm currently judging a contest, running a book club,  reviewing books for Crystal Clear- Treasure Chest Reviews, and trying to edit The Dark Witch's Daughter. A lot of you have absolutely amazing books that I would love to read completely! In a few weeks, I am going to set time aside to catch up on my read for reads completely so please just be patient with me. Some of you have already done your part on my story so I promise to return the favor asap! 


I'm fixing to start back editing The Dark Witch's Daughter soon. It will be getting a new makeover! A new cover and blurb will be posted soon so be on the lookout!  I'm making alot of changes before I introduce book 2!