Okay so I'm really sorry for slacking, like reaaaaaaally sorry, I know its probably been like a year or maybe more since I last updated but there are a few reasons why. Basically in the time that I haven't been updating there's been my exams (GCSE's), 3 deaths, I failed my first year of A Levels (I've restarted them again now) I moved in with my grandma to care for her after she had a hip replacement (back at home now though) and then various other issues at home and to be honest I hadn't really wanted to update, I mean there is some MAJOR editing taking place right now for 'The Revolution Of The Vampire Species and honestlyyyyyyy editing just sucks away any motivation to continue doing so. Well there you have it, I'm currently editing so bare with me please, I should be back to regular updates very soon. Thankyou :)