
opinions pls !!
          	let’s say your name is “Alex Daniel Smith” (first, middle, last name) and you go by your middle name. you write your name “A. Daniel Smith”. Exactly like that. Not “Daniel Smith”. 
          	A. Daniel Smith
          	 That’s how you are in the 'system'.
          	based on that, if you were to be in line in alphabetical order, would you be with the 'A' names or the 'D' names? 
          	for context, i'm organizing names for a project, and idk what to do. Putting the person with the 'A' names feels right, but on the other hand, so does putting them with the 'D' names feels good, but that A bothers me.


opinions pls !!
          let’s say your name is “Alex Daniel Smith” (first, middle, last name) and you go by your middle name. you write your name “A. Daniel Smith”. Exactly like that. Not “Daniel Smith”. 
          A. Daniel Smith
           That’s how you are in the 'system'.
          based on that, if you were to be in line in alphabetical order, would you be with the 'A' names or the 'D' names? 
          for context, i'm organizing names for a project, and idk what to do. Putting the person with the 'A' names feels right, but on the other hand, so does putting them with the 'D' names feels good, but that A bothers me.


* vent. stupid vent.
          b—ching about afs.
          if you are offended …
          i’m sorry/gen — but
          i wanted to get this
          off my chest.* 
          am i the only one who doesn’t find applyfics fun anymore?  i really don’t mean to sound rude but … i used to be so excited for new applyfics to apply to. but with not getting in, or getting in and have the book go nowhere, it’s just disappointing. i had a murder mystery af i want to make, but it just seems worthless. i thought when this happened to roleplays it was bad, but this … also, there’s just a sort of … fakeness to it. idk it’s driving me crazy. sorry.


i don’t want anyone getting pissed off at me ( freedom of speech after all ) but i think there are some things they you just shouldn’t bring up .  especially here .  ik with the US election happening not even 24 hours ago , a lot of people have a lot if somethings to say about it .  and hey , good for you!/gen ur allow to have your opinions and how you want to share them/srs .  i just don’t think people should be sh-tting on each other for who they voted for .  i don’t think it should even be a topic .  going to school today , just to witness a few of my classmates getting heavily harassed because of who they voted for , it’s sick .  i think the freedom to choose can be a shaky bridge , but guess what ? we’re human  .  we have our own beliefs , opinions , preferences , all that !  we shouldn’t hate .  we shouldn’t discriminate  .  you can have your thoughts and beliefs on the matter , but be careful .  sure , someone people’s opinions are … out there .  on both spectrums.  my not-so-close family a big example of that .  but trying to change their thoughts are like trying to talk to a wall .  and , just because they support someone , doesn’t make them any less of a human being .  hell , my aunt likes Kamala, and my uncle likes Trump .  guess what ?  i love them anyway .  even though they have different views , they still are good hearted people .  so please , don’t hate .  at the end of the day , it’s there choice , and you don’t know why they chose the person .  it could be for a reason you didn’t even consider.


also , some people need to do their research .  because if im being honest , a lot of those political ads get taken out of context .  fact check before you say something , cause that’s how lies grow bigger and start brainwashing people .


i’m not looking for a fight , i’m just using my freedom of speech .  if you agree , awesome !  if you disagree , that’s okay , that’s a trait of being a human being. you’re allowed to be your own person and have different views .  i know my words don’t matter in the grand scheme of things , but hey , that’s okay. 
            i also apologize if I offended anyone .  that wasn’t my intention .  this was just me spewing what’s on my mind .


new theme !!
          credit for background . . . @revolucktion-kxssed


@dluvsa aww you didn't have to credit me :(


Looks absolutely beautiful! They did a great job with the background. Also, loving the purple! 