
i’m going to write a story based on the movie “five feet apart”, what ship though? 


that movie jdsjjd : ((


i’ve started crocheting again because it eases my mind and helps me relax- it also helps me escape. 
          does anyone else have little forms of escapism that they do to help them cope/relax? let me know, i’m interested x


@whatsayoongi ah, i love to draw! i’m glad you find peace in it. 


I draw, color, or sleep lol those are my only escapes


today i met a girl in the same medical room as me and she was so willing to help me in any little way regardless of her reason of being in the medical room/how she was feeling and it really meant something to me. 
          the fact that she didn’t have to ask how i was; but she did- she didn’t have to ask me if i needed anything that would make me feel better and she didn’t have to leave just to come back to make sure i was okay. 
          whoever you are, i’ve respect for you. thank you x


Thee are the sweet stories and people I always remember and love


          i would like to introduce you to how far i’ve come. last year at this time, i was not in a good place. i was so unhappy with what was going on around me but i didn’t know how to respond to it. 
          i felt like i just had to keep living the same life because of how i wanted people to view me. i wanted to be viewed as the person people could trust; the happy friend; the person people could turn to if they were feeling sad or unhappy- i would be there for them and listen to them and make their life less horrific for a while. 
          but whilst this was happening, i forgot about myself. i forgot about the way i was feeling and how listening to everyone’s problems and worries and dark, upsetting secrets would affect my mental and physical health. and it may have only come across as “oh, are you having a rough day today?” or “did you not sleep enough last night?” but it was more than that. 
          i felt upset and confused. all in all, things were bad but they got worse. 
          you see, someone very very close to me at the time betrayed my trust enormously. and it wasn’t just a small, insignificant event that happened- i was up for days about it. 
          something that everyone i knew and cared about seemed to be aware of, but nobody reached out to me and tried to comfort me or help me. at this moment, it felt like there was nobody here for me: whether they were scared of the outcome of what would happen if they DID interfere or whether they just didn’t have the energy, i do not know. but i know that i felt alone and sad and anyone reading this now who knows me probably doesn’t even remember this situation because it seemed like an unimportant deal to them, but it really affected me. 
          the only difference is that towards the end of last year, i finally picked myself up, dusted myself off and thought “i can do this!” 


@blurrybillie thank you so much that comment nearly made me cry, honestly just thank you for supporting me <3


@milkynochu that makes perfect sense! and i’m very happy i could help you, things will get better (even if it does sound cliché, it’s true!) 