
Hii everyone!!! It's nostalgic to return to Wattpad! Finally my undergrad college ends and I have tym for lots of updates!! Check out my new story and I will be posting updates twice every week. Let me know any suggestions and comments. Thanks everyone :)


Hii everyone!!! It's nostalgic to return to Wattpad! Finally my undergrad college ends and I have tym for lots of updates!! Check out my new story and I will be posting updates twice every week. Let me know any suggestions and comments. Thanks everyone :)


Heyy fellas!!! It's been real long since I last interacted over Wattpad!!! Sry for the delay!!! I've finally come up with poems and will let you know about the updates and this tym it's gonna real quick!!! Hv a good winter :D


Hi! Just wanted to say that the imagery in your poem 'Destiny' is amazing. It really makes me wonder why people care about destiny though. In life, you are free no matter where you go because you are the one that makes your own decisions. If you are forced to do something, you make the decision to obey, therefore you are free like the wind. Just go where the wind takes you is my motto.


No, I'm a pretty easygoing person most of the time. Would you mind telling me your opinion on one of my poems? It's called Clockworks Maze. 'Fly To Reach Your Dreams'


@TheMagiciansDaughter I'm glad u liked it...  I thought u might not like d suggestion


@dodoreremimi  I just read it and its great! I love poems that have imagery because its like you're taken to a whole new world when you read them.