After an amazing 4 years on this site, I have to deem myself inactive. Throughout all the countless stories that have been written, published, and then deleted two weeks later, I have met so many amazing people and learned so much. I've read so many truly brilliant stories and gotten to talk with many of their equally brilliant authors. I have made so many close friends over this site, some who are still here and others who have moved on. From the hopeful 9 year old boy to the wonderful 79 year old woman I met, there is truly something to learn from each and every user. I will cherish each and every memory from this site and the countless amazing people I've met on it. I apologize to everyone who's had to read my terrible stories, and I thank you immensely for the happiness it gave me when you did so. To my current 86 followers, thank you from the bottom of my heart for following me, whatever the reason was. It has truly meant so much to me. I'm sorry to leave you now, especially to those I've know these four years. I still talk to my first Wattpad friend from time to time, and I hope she knows how much it means to me every time we exchange messages. Sorry for the long rant, but good-byes are difficult. This isn't good-bye forever though, as I'll still come back on from time to time, and maybe I'll even become an active member sometime in the future. Only time will tell. Now I can't say this enough, but I'll try. Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, and thank you. To the Wattpad team and to each and every user of this amazing site: Thank you, for everything.
Now for the sake of nostalgia: