
@MaybalineLuna you've inspired me! I'll write the chapter!


          iKno how annoying these thinqqs can be but please read my stories and let me kno wat yuu thinkk. Im really new and iOnly have a couple of chapters up but iReally want peoples critisism on if iShould finish them so please read them and leave a comment(:
          Ones called A Kiss For My Prince && the other is called Moving Can't Be That Bad With Two Hot Neighbors. Please check them out((: 
          Or feel free to delete this message nd be on your way(: But thankss Anywayss((:
          <3 Siarra


HI...i hope that you could read my story on..." A story of twisted fate(an immortal story)the past, present and future. When dreams turn to be real" and a poem on “love and hate” and "silent love" read other poems if u have the time.
          please comment, fan and vote....your comment means a lot to me....thanks.
          PLS READ THE POEM ON” SILENT LOVE”…comment


          I was wondering if you could check out my story it's called `wish came true...unfortunately`I have the first 9 chapters up. I would really appreciate it if you could check it out and vote, comment, and become a fan if you want. 
          Thanks a lot, 


Hello, i know t­­heese are REAL annoying but ­it­ would jsut be awsomeness ­if y­ou could read my stories­! &quo­t;Dark midnight&qu­ot; and &quo­t;Vermin&quo­t; heres alittle summary ;D 
          Dark midnight i­­s about a gorgeous shapeshif­te­r named Thierry who kills ­his ­dreamed lover, or so he ­though­t soon after his tradg­ety he f­inds a cute little o­rphan and ­saves him making h­im the owner­ of this cute li­ttle shape shi­fter. although­ Kane (The orpha­n) is happy ­with Thierry, he g­ets kidnap­ped and is taken as ­a slave,­ to the slave trade. i­t is u­p to thierry and Roark, ­his ­man-whore friend to save t­he­ cute little kid (Kane) and ­­his supposed dead lover. 
          Vermin is about­­ a heartless vampire Zimm an­d ­his cousin jesse, also his­ Ver­min of a girlfriend, aft­er a v­isit from Zimm. Lani i­s taken b­y him along with Je­sse, Zimm's ­cousin and Lani'­s boyfriend. L­ani Wakes up t­o find one of Zi­mm'z welcomi­ng slaves, explain­ing things­ to her, but Lani de­sides it­'s time to escape and ­put an­ end to Zimm and his cruelty. 
          Thanks please r­­ead if you can, and comment!­ :­D (Thats what i'm looking for)


Hey hey hey,
          Hi I don't mean to bother you and I know that you probably get a lot of these messages but can you please read my story! I am just starting out and I want more people to see them. They are really good and I love for you to take a look at them. Thank you for taking your time to read this
          Love your background


Hey! I’m advertising my book My Blood-Sucking Boyfriend. I don’t have much if up yet, but I was wondering (if u aren’t sick of vampire romance yet xD ) if you would read it and tell me what you think. Plz plz plz do :) 