Have you ever felt your entire being drop. You go from being very happy and upbeat. You feel like you have a chance and you can do anything and you talk about it. Then sudentlu out of no where this wave hits you and everything changes. You can’t image anything going the way you want it to, your sad and nothing seems positive. You go dead silent, then you start to wonder is this anxiety or depression or is this a normal thing?
You wonder about things your too scared to try and change.
You feel this sharp switch all the time and your energy is gone.
like the light out of a room when a flip is switched
And suddenly the person you’ve been trying so hard not to be is all you can see.
That person you’ve been trying to hide or not accept is staring you right in the face begging you to agree that you have a problem
But the positive side is clawing at your Brain begging you to listen.
That side begs you to not let this feeling stop you.
And it fights for your attention. It fights for your trust.
But In the end the negative wins and why?
Cause when your down there’s no where to go but up.
But when your up there’s no where to go but down.
And after all negative emotions last longer so why try and enjoy when your upbeat cause at some point it’s all going to crash down and you long for those better days that will never last for long.