I'm editing and revising star crossing if anyone is interested in reading it :p I'm also planning on adding more to the story since this is one of my favorites that I've been working on.
plan for today: revise star crossing chapters already posted, write new chapter for star crossing, start writing sea dogs next chapter, revise the loneliest next chapter, get some rest because i'm sick as heck.
i don't have wifi for the next couple of days but I'm gonna try my best to update star crossing daily like I promised. thankfully i did write today's chapter mostly, yesterday. however, publishing from my phone is a pain bcoz it doesn't sync right.
* star crossing will be updated daily *
* sea dogs will be updated weekly *
* poetry will be updated as it's written *
{ some will be updated more often; this only means that they will be updated at least once within their given time frames }